Friday, January 8, 2010

Is there a OTC treatment that works on cystic acne?

I keep getting big zits on my forehead, it is always in the same spot and they leave scars and take forever (months) to heal and go away, any suggestions? I don%26#039;t want to take any medication since I am pregnant. Any advice is appreciated|||cystic acne originates under the skin and there is nothing topically that will rid your face of this type of pimple. They hurt too! If they come to the surface, which can take a long time, then a topical product will help. I have had to get a kenalog(steroid) injection to get rid of a big one. These type of pimples are typically hormonal and very deep in the skin-- squeezing them results in a bad scar. Speak to your dermatologist but I%26#039;ve been round and round with my doctor who tells me the same thing: they are hormonal and don%26#039;t waste your money on topical agents.|||vitamin b5 treatment is suppose to be good for severe acne.|||You can try anything that has poroxide in it. Or sylic acid. Try proactive. It works really well. Pull your hair up and keep it away from your forehead. Wash your hair first, then when you get out the shower wash your face. Don%26#039;t use anything that has alot of alcohol in it, it may make it worse. Have you switched make-up? Are you using a lotion? Stong astringent?

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