Friday, January 8, 2010

What are the best acne treatments that have worked for you? And why have they worked so well?

I am now 28 and my acne started around 13-14 years old. I got it bad and really fast. I had blackheads, whiteheads, and (UGH) cystic acne. I washed my skin 2-3 daily and never touched my face. I even stayed away from the rumored pizza and chocolate theory. (I%26#039;m glad that has been disproven..) From my early teens, my mom bought me everything that could come off of a shelf of a drug store and holistic stores that said %26quot;ACNE%26quot; on it. Nothing worked for me. Then I went to the dermatologist and I think he prescribed me everything that was ever made by phamaceutical (sp?) companies and that stuff helped a little, but never made it completely go away. Then I tried Accutane. It took two rounds for it to work, but that was the only thing that actually worked for me. I still get minor pimples here and there, but I use Proactiv solutions and that usually keeps my skin perfectly clear.

I think why Accutane and Proactiv have worked for me is because of the exfoliation. If dead skin cells accumulate on your skin, it can clog your pores and congratulations, you get a zit. Accutane kind of exfoliated from the inside out and Proactiv exfoliates in a topical way. If Accutane is too serious for you, I would try Proactiv or another wash that has exfoliants in it.

Even though the chocolate and pizza theories have been nixed (they DO NOT cause pimples), they have found that diets high in dairy can also lead to break outs because of the hormones in most dairy products. Try going without dairy for a while and see if that helps. If you are worried about Calcium intake, take a supplement.

Hope this helps!|||Well mine was never soo bad as some peoples but here is a secret.

Wash your face with a little toothpaste. I like the ones that have more of a texture like face scrub.

When your done leave a dab on the problem zit!

Trust me it works for some people.|||I did not work for this people or something like that, but the only one that I really saw very good results and in a short period time is Proactive. You can go to the web site and order it, and believe me that really really works.|||I have made my own acne regimen with

1. acnefree benzyl peroxide exfoilating wash- every night(i can only use benzyl peroxide once a day or my skin gets irritated)

2.neutrogena oil free acne wash- every morning

3. Peter thomas roth toner every morning and night

4. diffrent prescription creams in am and pm(spot treatment)

5. proactiv refining mask(gets rid of all redness)

I had terrible severe teen acne and doin this cleared it all up in 3 weeks!

tips: try taking vitamins for your skin( akne zyme is incredible)

dont sleep with hair products in your hair

blot oil mid day with oil blotting sheets

avoid shampoos with alot of fragrance

avoid to much dairy|||I struggled with acne in my early teens and then again recently in my 20%26#039;s. I tried everything (!), even proactive (worked a little), but for me it was really just the climate I live in. I worked outside in the hot, humid, Texas summers and after I stopped it began to go away.

Try not to use too much products on your skin and give them at least 3-4 weeks to start seeing a difference.

Wash your face after you wash the conditioner out of your hair (the oils in the conditioner can clog your pores).

Use gentle, natural products. I like aveeno clear complexion face wash.

Not all of the high priced products will work the best for you. Just because one person says something worked for them doesn%26#039;t guarantee it%26#039;ll work for you. Everyone%26#039;s skin and hormones are different.

Keep your hands off your face!!! That is the #1 for me. And try to keep your stress under control. And a little sun on my skin makes it really happy.

Hope this helps!|||Acne treatment is an essential concerns in almost every household. Good diet plays a vital role in acne prevention, and eating the wrong foods can really make acne much worse. Everybody wants great looking skin, and there are various acne prevention treatments, and ointments available that can help to achieve just that. Log on to for a few home made tips to heal acne .

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