Monday, April 26, 2010

Acne home treatment?

I have tried using Proactiv and it works but it takes a really long time to work.|||Taken from the article %26quot;Best Natural Acne Treatments Ever%26quot;.

Hope you find it useful.

1)The most all round, versatile acne treatment is Aloe Vera. This miracle plant can stand alone when battling many of todays diseases. Acne included.

2)A really ancient but effective treatment is the use of the leaves of the strawberry plant.

Moisten the leaves with water and put them directly on the affected areas. You can even mash up the strawberry and apply it as a paste to the face.

3)Dandelion is very effective in fighting acne. Use the complete dandelion plant. Root, leaves, and stem. Chop, boil, simmer and then strain the dandelion. Use the liquid as a tea and/or apply it directly to the affected areas.

The best natural acne treatments are great because like dandelion, many can be used internally as well as externally.

4)A wonderful penetrative agent is Tea Tree Oil. It can go very deep into the skin and spread its antibacterial and antifungal properties.

Diet is another crucial plank. Fresh pumpkins and carrots loaded with beta carotene strengthen the immune system. Vitamins A, B complex and E uphold the integrity of the skin. Mix these with regular exercise and you are fortified against acne.|||my mum has always told me to take Zinc - its always worked for me, I went through the teenage hardly any spots

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