Wednesday, December 30, 2009

Does anyone know fast acne treatments that you can make at home?

Acne treatments...

such as toothpaste....

ect.|||First off don%26#039;t use toothpaste. Secondly visit This site is AMAZING. It has an easy to do home regimen created by a guy named Dan Kern. Probably 99% of people who try this regimen (and do it properly) will find great results! This site also offers detailed descriptions of different kind of acne and suggest medications for tougher kinds of acne. It tells about acne myths, scar treatments, just about everything to do with acne. Check it out and I think you will agree! This link will direct you straight to the regimen.|||rub alchol on your face then put it in a humidifier then rub some warm oatmeal on your face|||toothpaste is a nono. just dont scrub your face, gently wash it with your fingers. dont pop them, it makes the bacteria that is in them spread and cause more. use a delicate soap on your face too. be careful what kind of lotions your applying cause that could make you break out more too. the best thing to do is morning and night, get a cotton ball and put some rubbing alcohol on it and rub it on your face, it will dry your face out, but it makes them dry up and go away!|||Try using ice on the %26#039;spot.%26#039;

Good luck hon.

This, too will pass.|||Sandpaper and a wire brush|||gently wash your face with a mild soap (ivory or dove) and warm water....then rinse with cold water .......wash your face every 2 hours...pat dry ...wipe with peroxide or alcohol ..then put hemorrhoid cream on your zits to shrink them....if you squeeze zits now you will have a big hole there when you are older.|||here%26#039;s a couple depends on your skin type and what you eat.acne is usually cause from your blood in alot of cases that i know of it%26#039;s from eating rich foods.

milk, egg, oatmeal mixed together boil it and apply to face as hot as you can stand it for 1/2 hour everyday. it%26#039;s great for some.

pure vinegar careful not to get it in your eyes wash 3 or four times daily with it.

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