Wednesday, December 30, 2009

Im currently on isotretinoin, a vitamin A derivatives for the treatment of my acne.?

how long does it take for the acne to COMPLETELY go away?currently,i have been taking these for almost three weeks.the dosage that im taking is the lowest one,10mg.i have seen some slight improvement but i still get occasional spots but i would really wanna know how long more i have to wait for them to completely dissapear???|||Vitiman E cream is great for acne and scarred skin.|||you are on VERY strong meds. if you%26#039;re a female, i hope you were advised to used birth control. it takes time...sometimes years for acne to completely go away. sometimes you have to try differnt things and clean up your diet a bit...water, water, water...if you do nothing else with diet. just be patient. stress will only add to your woes. if you don%26#039;t see improvement after a couple of months, go back to doc and try something new. accutane shouldn%26#039;t be used for extended periods as it damages your liver. have you ever tried natural internal herbs...i know there is vitamin b-5 and a pill called HERPANACINE that is supposed to help with acne from the inside out. just try a more natural least you won%26#039;t harm your body in the process. take care and i hope you find success with your prob.|||Well, your answer depends on what your dermatologist tells you. Also, you may never be able to achieve completely acne free skin. I took Accutane for three months, and my skin looked great while I was on it, but once I stopped, I started breaking out again - although not as bad as before.

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