Wednesday, December 30, 2009

What are the best at home acne treatments?

i know some people say there anything else?|||First, I understand where you%26#039;re coming from. I grew up with really bad acne, not only on my face but on my body as well. It was embarrassing and I tried everything including cleansers, creams, prescription medications, antibiotics, over the counter medications, and even shots from the dermatologist (ouch!) to get rid of it. I never did until many years later when it didn%26#039;t matter as much.


Here%26#039;s what I found out after lots of research and trial and error, the hard way.

It%26#039;s not a topical issue, it doesn%26#039;t help much to treat it from the outside, it%26#039;s an inside job. When you treat it from the outside it%26#039;s like treating the symptoms, not the cause. You%26#039;ll hear from many people that%26#039;s not the case, and it%26#039;s usually because they want you to buy their creams or lotions, and keep buying them month after month after month (or they haven%26#039;t experienced the truth). Of course, when you stop using it (as you%26#039;ve experienced) your blemishes come back... because you%26#039;re not treating the cause. And the costs for all of these routines/drugs add up month after month.

If you think about it logically, it makes sense. Why do we get rashes, breakouts, or other skin irritations? It%26#039;s usually because of something we ate, something that wasn%26#039;t meant to be put on our skin, something that caused us stress and our body reacts to all those things.

Bottom line is that most every cause of acne is related to what you eat, how you feel and how you take care of yourself. Your skin is a reflection of what%26#039;s on the inside. We have lots of toxins building up in our systems and they have to be cleaned out on the inside and that will reflect on the outside. The blemishes, rashes, acne, etc are indications that your body is reacting to what you%26#039;re eating, to stress, toxins, chemicals, hormones... literally a great number of things.

Basically what I did in a nutshell was clean out my system by taking out the processed and junk foods, and added as much fresh fruits and vegetables to my diet as possible. This part is key. I also started drinking a lot of water daily, starting with 3 or 4 glasses when I wake up (adding a squeeze of fresh lemon at times). I also got more active every day, walking, running, sports, jumping, whatever, just getting active. It not only gave me more energy, it help flush out the toxins that were clogging up my system.

Did you know 90% of acne is caused by 3 major factors? Find out exactly what

they are and how easily it is to solve them here http://topsecretacnevolution.blogspot.co鈥?/a>|||i%26#039;ve heard crushed up aspirin with lemon juice. i guess the acidity helps. i%26#039;ve never tried it though.|||just keep your face clean. Wash it with warm water when you can. If you sweat a a lot always dry it. don%26#039;t touch your face with your hand without washing. It Worked for me.|||Aloe Vera is considered as the top alternative to over the counter acne medications. It is a most popular home remedy for acne. Aloe Vera can be applied in liquid form to the facial area, it will remove excess oil and heal your acne. Mixing in freshly ground orange peel can make it even more effective.Log on to for a few home made tips to heal acne.|||Ok, heres a natural and cheap way of getting rid of your blackheads and deep cleaning:

*First cleanse your face until its squeaky clean

*Then tie your hair back so its off your face

*Get a basin of boiling hot water, and tilt your head over the basin and hold it there for as long as you feel is comfortable. The steam will open up your pores.

*Then just after (make sure your hands are really clean btw) get 2 cotton pad/tissue and gently but firmly press on the skin either side of the black head and ease it out. You must not push so hard that your damaging your skin, as this could lead to scaring if you repeatedly do it.

*Once you are done flash cold water on your face a few times to close up your pores, dont skip this step as its very important.

I also heard about of a few of these that may work:

*Baking soda mixed with Castile soap can be used as an antibacterial scrub.

*Honey can be applied as a mask and a topical remedy for acne.

*Vinegar can make a great antiseptic toner for acne, and make sure it%26#039;s blended in equal proportions with water or green tea to make it more mild.

*Yogurt is a gentle acidic facial peel that is safe for acne-prone skin. Apply directly from the pot and leave for 5-10 minutes, then rinse off.

*Fine sea salt mixed with an egg white works as a mask for delicate, sensitive skin that is plagued by acne. Apply it and gently remove using circular motions.

Hope these work...good luck!|||wash your face every night.

then toss a hot towel on for 15 minutes. As hot as you can stand. it will open the pores and things will clear up naturally.

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