Tuesday, December 22, 2009

What's the best acne treatment?

I%26#039;m a 14 year old girl. I just recently am getting major breakouts of acne all over my forehead. I never had acne this bad. I don%26#039;t know what the problem is or how to treat it. I tried all of the products, but none of them seem to work. I play basketball and my sister said that it might be because the sweat is clogging my pores but i%26#039;m not sure if she%26#039;s right...a little help please?|||There are a lot of causes of acne, some of which are food allergies and others are vitamin or mineral deficiencies or too many toxins in your body. At your age, it is definitely hormonal, but that doesn%26#039;t mean it has to happen, you can go through hormonal changes without acne.

What I would suggest is doing a bit of research online, like reading sites like %26#039;clear for life%26#039; and %26#039;acne.org%26#039; getting their free newsletters. As well, you can start adding a multivitamin to your diet and avoid the top 5 foods known to cause allergies: wheat gluten, dairy, eggs, sugar and nuts.

As well, if at all possible, if you could eat lots of fresh organic fruits and vegetables it would really help your skin. You can also take an Omega 3 supplement, this helps as well.

Also sodium lauryl sulfate, and other sulfates added to make shampoo and soap bubbly are known to cause skin irritation leading to acne. See if you can buy products without these sulfates in them.

Exercise and sweating are great for you body and your skin, it helps your body eliminate toxins and keep your pores open. Do all you can to remove saturated and trans fats from your diet as well, as this has a direct scientifically proven link with acne formation.|||it all depends on what type of skin you have and what products you have been using. I have oily skin in the summer, and I use Clean and Clear morning face wash. And in the winter i have really dry skin because I%26#039;m a swimmer, and i use nutrigena moisturizing face bar and Both of those seem to take good care of my skin. I would recommend them to you.

And yeah sweating can cause your face to break out, just make sure you wash your face with soap after each work out/ practice.

OH a major thing!!! stay away from products that have benzoil peroxide because it will irritate your skin and it isnt good for your skin.|||From what your described, I think you need to consult a skin care specialist or a Dermatologist regarding the best acne treatments that will suit the level of acne infection, you will never go wrong in the hands of the professional as they know what kind of best acne treatments that can treat your acne.

You can also try natural way to get rid of acne. That is, you can focus on the process of self care and the proper way of cleaning the skin, keeping it oil free and also by indulging in a well nutrients balanced diet with foods high in zinc, fiber and different kinds of raw foods, also by avoiding alcohol, tobacco, dairy products, sugar, caffeine, processed foods and other foods with high iodine content like salt. All of these are regarded as the best acne treatments done in natural way without resorting to medication.|||i used to get REALLY bad acne on my forehead too, but then i started using Clean %26amp; Clear Persa Gel, and i haven%26#039;t had a pimple on my forhead ever since (about 8 months ago)!!!!!!! I don%26#039;t know if it%26#039;ll work for you caz everyone%26#039;s different, but it%26#039;s definately worth a shot. It%26#039;s only about 10$, which is way cheaper than stuff from a dermatologist.|||I%26#039;m 14 too. theres a new thing you can buy, called Zeno. i live in ireland, where you can get them for euro99. it uses controled heat technology to get rid of spots and is supposed to be very effective. or, the best thing is to go to a doctor. failing that, take off ALL your makeup when u get home, don%26#039;t let your hair in your face, and wash ur face gently with cleanser, not too much or it will cause more oil. don%26#039;t touch your face, and if all else fails, cover it with very light makeup which won%26#039;t clog your pores.

best of luck, and don%26#039;t worry EVERYONE goes through this at some point xxxxxxx|||Your basketball could have something to do with it, but acne can affect anyone, i think your at a higher risk.

I used Quinoderm Acne cream

Was good

and it comes in different strengths.

Ask for it at the Chemist

If youve tried this im sorry but i no no others as good.

Good luck

x|||“Niapads” with Niacinamide is available for acne control in teenagers and adults alike. It is a one-step process that is “Simple for pimple”.

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http://www.google.com/base/a/evelyngunn9/5031523/D3727033352058264320|||sweating alot does make u break out...as far as over the counter stuff u can buy at any drug store, Neutrogena makes great products...also AVON is great..it is a bit more expensive but it works great..using Ivory soap or Noxzema is the chapest best way to wash your face too, they are good fo sensitive skin and make it soft too.|||We all have different skin, there isn%26#039;t a single spot-treatment out there that works for everybody. See your dermatologist and ask him for the best products for you.|||if you have trouble with acne go to a dermatologist. they will fix it.

you can try all the over-the-counter stuff, but chances are they wont work for you.|||its funny cuz everything seems better than proactive. By far Clean%26amp;Clear. it is ridiculous how fast it works. within 8hr|||The most best acne treatments is Neutrogena it works so good on any type of acne it worked me it did wonders to my skin so check it out I guarantee you it will work|||proactive!but you can always try something else but remember to get something thats OIL FREE that will pervent ur skin from getting to greasy and more break outs!|||Ask for your doctor prescribed treatment.|||No chocolate

No mayonnaise

No butter

No fried foods

Change regular oil for Olive oil|||proactive|||proactive|||my sister has really bad breakouts too she started using clean and clear and so far her face is clearing up so much|||i like mario badescu%26#039;s drying lotion - it%26#039;s a pink powder in a liquid. when you use this at night, it will dry up your acne. this takes time, but this doesn%26#039;t leave any mark. another good treatment is aramis lab series anti-aging supplement later called skin rebuilder. this product is difficult to find; bec aramis is kinda phasing it out. but it is a very good product in removing pimples/ acne. i usually use this product, after i have cleaned my face of white heads/ black heads and popped all acne/ pimples - this product makes my face heals faster leaving no blemishes.

my last resort is faster in removing acne. the only problem is that it leaves a mark, which fades after some time or if you use a whitening like a hydroquinone based product. the product is steiva-a 10% or 0.10. it is a retinol based cream that exfoliates skin. it literally burns skin chemically. so dont use this every night. i usually use this 2x a week. then i mix this product with a whitening solution/ murad%26#039;s agespot remover. to make it less powerful, you can add murad%26#039;s night cream/ under eye cream. it exfoliates skin layer by layer, so in effect, your pimples go away. it is like a cheap or slow laser treatment.

another is go to your dermatologist and have the laser treatment which cost about 200 dollars per treatment. it is a bit painful even with the anesthetic cream, but after a week, your face will clean up of anything - pimples/ acne/ spots/ freckles/ everything.

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